Tuesday, April 20, 2010

White Skirt *Photo Shoot*

This was one of our favorites! (Taken by Christian...didn't he do a good job?!)

The beauty of a pure, white skirt!

Spinning, twirling, dancing...Isn't Angel cute?

I love the position of the sun in these photos!

Fun with black and white!

I love this one of Elizabeth

A few silly ones....

So a few days ago, I put on a white skirt and was just delighted with the pure beauty of it! If you want to feel lovely and feminine put on a flowing white skirt and walk around outside on a sunny day! (Obviously this is a just-for-girls post! ) Do it just because! It is so delightful!
Liz and I decided to do a little white skirt photo shoot so the other evening we walked around the property and had fun with the camera! Enjoy the pictures and have a beautiful week!


  1. Sisters, you are gorgeous! :D And I love that description, 'the beauty of a pure, white skirt.' That's right!! You both look so lovely. :) And that one of Angel--!!!!!!! Makes me want to cryyyyy! She is adorable.
    I just can't wait to seeeeee you! Soon, soon!
    <3 ya lots!

  2. OH MY WORD!! You girls are SO gorgeous. I love the first one of Lindsey in Black and White, and Liz, you look completely beautiful in the one where you're crouched looking up with the sun setting just behind you. So lovely. =] Great photos!

  3. I absolutely LOVE white skirts! You girls look so lovely and summery! Remember when we did a white skirt photo shoot?

  4. Aw I remember that, Hannah!!! White skirts always make me think of you! Do you remember Chloe's skirt called "Whitey" ?? LOL!!!

  5. Heyoo Girls!

    I just recently came across yr blog -And Oh My!.. do I rejoice that I did! Yr blog has my heart's song sprawled all over it! Warrior Princesses, yes! With irreplaceable roles in the grand fight for The Bride! Hallelujah:-D

    I loved this post aswell, Im a great believer in enjoying the beauty of one's purity and femininity...beautiful photos!

    I look forward to following yr blog ladies...Keep up the heart-warming posts!

