Thursday, April 15, 2010

Meet Lindsey!

Hey everyone it's Lindsey! I think I was supposed to write this post a long time ago...heh, heh, yeah anyway, I suppose I'll tell you a little bit about me although since lots of you already know me it'll be more like an update than an introduction. :)
Currently I'm taking classes at Mid Michigan Community College in Harrison, MI (a.k.a. MMCC). I am nearing the end of my second semester...yay! Three more weeks to go!...and my classes have mostly been prerequisites for the Nursing Program. My hardest ones have been the Biology classes which is really too bad since a LOT of Bio is required for the program. But anyhow, it's all going fairly well and I'm praying about what God wants me to do next fall!
Some other things I enjoy doing are the normal recreational stuff such as reading, watching movies, shopping, arts and crafts, music (piano playing), baking, and my newest favorite thing....PHOTOGRAPHY! (I'm taking a photography class as an elective this semester and it's been quite fun!)
I'm not sure what else to include in this post but I would just like to say that above all, Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection on the cross are the most important thing in my life!! Learning to seek Him more and to love and know my Savior more is my highest priorities. I want my life to always center around my awesome, one and only Lord, Jesus Christ!!!!
Hopefully I will be blogging a bit more, now that Liz has shown me how all this works!! She has done such a good job updating this blog the last few months!
Blessings to you all!


  1. Lovely Post Lindsey!!!! Keep up the good work!

  2. YOU ARE SO GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet all the guys at school hit on :D <3 ya! LL

  3. You posted about yourself!! WOW!! I'm so proud of you. ;-] Thanks for the introduction/update... I'm so glad I know you. You're cool. =]


  4. Nice to meet you Linds!! ;)

    You ARE lovely, inside and out! Jesus in you is the most beautiful thing. :)
    So enjoyed talking last night! Love ya!

  5. Hi, this Z-gal is Annie.
    Way to go, posting Linds! Awesome 'Meet Lindsey' post. I do hope you'll continue on with the blogging!
    @Elizabeth, I hacked in and changed the heading picture to White Way Delight. Hope you like it!
    Miss you guys! Love you! <3

  6. Yeah, I saw that....we'll have to get a picture of all of us when you get back. =D
