Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Meet Annie

Hello! I'm the third child, third girl in the family.

My occupation is being a servant of God, and He has given me the responsibility of being an older sister and a daughter in this home.

I am a sinner, and have the need to take communion in the saving, cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. I have given Him all I have (my life on this earth) to use as He pleases.

When God created me He planned me to have these passions and interest by the time I reached age 16:

A desire to fulfill Christ's plan for my life and know Him better day by day, a love for big families and a vision to be a joyful wife and mother someday, a delight at the very mention of babies, an enjoyment of writing, reading, crafting (crocheting, cross-stitching, scrapbooking . . .) an ability to play the piano and the violin to a small degree, a great interest in dogs (check out my dog-blog, a love of long-pretty skirts, historical fashion, an iced-coffee-tooth somewhere in my mouth and so many other things.You might say Joy is my favorite fruit of the spirit! My favorite books are humorous ones!! (big grin)

And what do you know? Here I am today, just like the Lord planned!
I hope you find this blog fun and a blessing, and an encouragement to you in your journey with the Lord!
In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I wish I could meet you in person! This was really fun to read!
