Monday, February 22, 2010

Tennis Tournament

(this was the 3ed day) L-R My aunt,uncle, Chloe, Me,Annie,mom,Lindsey and my grandma. This was the day before Chloe and Annie left for TN. We all had a really fun time!

(secant day)Well lets see....all the adults are my aunts and uncles except for my grandma, my brother Jacob is right by me and my brother john is back there with all them. This was a really fun night! My two brother and I went to the tournament with my aunt. We got the best ice cream and the tennis was really good too!(I also caught a ball sign by one of the players!!)

(first day) L-R One of grandmas friends, me,mom,Annie and Gideon. This was a really fun day too! We got to go to this really nice luncheon that was really wedding-ish and fun!

About two weeks ago there was a woman's pro tennis tournament in Midland! I was able to go to 3 nights which was sooo fun!
Some of my mom's family was helping out their which was really neat, and the tennis was great!
Liz <3

1 comment:

  1. I loved watchin the tennis live! When is the next BIG tournament...May? The French Open! Woohoo! That will be exciting! Make sure ya'll go to the tennis center and play!
    love annie <3
