Friday, May 28, 2010

Is it Possible?

Just something to think about... every day things...
Is my mind fixed on Him above all else?
Hi girls!
I know I haven't posted in ages, (which I know has been greatly disappointing to you all! Ha ha) but I felt God lay something on my heart the other day, and I thought I would share it.
This has become one of my 'life' verses: "Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, no more can you unless you abide in me." John 15:4
It was hitting me the other day, just what it means to ABIDE in Christ. To rest in dwell with be with Him. I found myself asking, 'do I abide in Christ? How much is He really on my mind? How often is He in my thoughts?' When I'm praying or reading His word, I'm 'abiding' in Him I guess-- but what about all the in between times? Running errands, cleaning the bathroom, watching the kids outside--just the daily stuff? Honestly, many times I just allow my mind to fill up with other things. Fun things I want to do, the book I'm in the middle of reading, etc. I was thinking, "boy, does God really expect us to be able to just have Him continually in our thoughts? Life gets busy ya know!" but I really believe that for one, God DESERVES to have the number one place in our minds. Number two, if the things we're involved in are constantly filling our minds up with stuff that distracts us from the Lord (movies, books, activities, etc.) we may want to consider replacing those things with things that are glorifying to the Lord. And thirdly (and this is just SO awesome!!), I've found that the more time I invest in God's word and spending time with Him, the more I WANT to spend time with Him. You just have to do it and see for yourself! Jesus wants a relationship, and just like any friendship, it blossoms as you devote time to it.
I want to have Jesus at the forefront of my mind, and not in the back! He deserves our best energies, and He deserves GLORY. He deserves to be the CENTER of our lives!
Keep seeking Him above all else, :)



  1. Hey Chlo
    How are you doing? What's up? Hope you are having a great day.Just wanted to say hi. Love you

  2. Aw, love you too, Mercy!! I've been doing really good--what about you? Miss you!! <3 <3
