Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Christmas Cheer

All 12 of us are and will always look forward to Christmas!
Our lovely tree and fire! Though the pic barely captures it!

The cookies Lindsey made or should I say cookie all the rest were eaten!

Chloe happily making the chocolate ones with chocolate filling inside.

Good job! Cloe,Cloe!!!

The other night Linds and Chloe decided to make the first patch of Christmas cookies! They were sooooo good and it got us in the spirit!
The boys also put a fire in the fire place which was sooo fun too! (pic of it above) It always feels so festive and cozy!
We have so much to be thankful for this time of year! Family,friends,a free nation but most importantly Christ's birth! He came into the world to save us all from our sins so that one day we could live with him for ever in eternity! That is the best gift of all!
Christ be in your mind, heart and soul for ever!


  1. WOW!!!!!!!! you guys are ON TOP OF IT! :D We haven't TOUCHED are decorations, no baking...and JUST shopped for Thanksgiving...lol

  2. Actually, this is the first time we've ever put up our tree this early! But see, if you get your Christmas tree up, everything else sort of follows...a lovely Christmas tree makes you want lovely cookies, etc! :D


  3. Lindsey made pumpkin-chocolate chip, and frosted fluffy sugar cookies yesterday! Ooo . . .num num.

