Monday, January 23, 2012


Check out Liz's new crafting blog ! :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Winter Time News

Hi Everyone!
Its hard to believe we're into 2012. I'm so excited to see what God shows all of us this year!

How was Christmas for all of you? We had a relaxing Christmas, filled with lots of family time, which was great! :)

I admit, I was rather sad to see the holidays come and go, but now I'm really excited to see all that God's doing as we begin the new year. There are some new things coming up! We girls have been seeking God about desires and decisions as we are getting older. Life is full of challenges, but God is always faithful!

Below are some pics from a family gathering we had with a bunch of the Z relatives right after Christmas. It was a really special time, since it had been quite a while since we'd all seen each other! Hope you enjoy them. :)


Visting. :)

Brothers. :)

But they aren't brothers! They aren't twins either. Cousins! :)

"okay, cheeeeeese." :D

Gotta have a li'l photo shoot. (And no, this is NOT all of the Z-girl cousins. I think there's at least 8 more.)

"pretend to be asleep!"

Fun Times. :) <3

Friday, November 11, 2011

where have we been?

Lindsey birthday was October 31st (L to R Chloe ,Annie , Lindsey ,Elizabeth )
Aw Linds(22!) how can you be so old? <3
Our awsome brother Gideon turned 15 the day be for.
Yes, yes life can be stressful, but it's so worth it!
Our new puppy Champ!
Annie and I both made sweaters. Mine is knit and ann's is crochet

We had a wonderful time at our family camp this summer!
Beautiful stony lake.
Our Grandma and aunt came to stay with us for a few days during our week their.

Hello sad blog, the zgals are alive and well! :D I hope the pictures give you a little idea of what we've been up to. God is been so good in our lives lately! Life has been real busy, but I guess that's how it goes. Have a great day!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Chloe's 20th Birthday!!!!

Chloe's 20!
Her candles! (lol)
At Grandmas watching Wimbledon Woman's Tennis Finals!

Happy Birthday to our dear sis CHLOE! Who turned 20 on July 2!

On the Eva of her Birthday we had a little party with cake and presents! Then on her birthday morning us four older girls and mom went and got breakfast and coffees to have well we watched 'Wimbledon' at our Grandmas house! So fun! After that we went to our favorite store 'Kohl's' for a fun time of shopping!
Thank you cloe for being such a great sister! :D
In Christ ~Liz

Friday, June 3, 2011

Annie's Open House!

Annie with grandpa and grandma Z!

having a bite to eat.

Annie with her amazing carrot cake!

chatting near the end of the day.

Last Saturday was Annie's Graduation open house! It was a amazing day! It didn't rain(thank you Jesus!) and a lot of our friends and family were able to come. :D Now three of the Zgals are High school graduates! Wow! Were all so old! I hope you enjoy looking these pictures! And maybe you will get a taste at how wonderful the day was! To God be all the Glory!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Hey, look what crawled out of the woods into OUR pond! This gal has been livin in our pond for a year now, and we've never gotten more than a glimse of her when she would rise to the surface of the water. TODAY however, I noticed that our Shelties were looking very startledly at the edge of the woods, and when THIS Mama (she was probably laying eggs in there) popped out, they went nuts barking. I started SHOUTING for Gideon, and before you knew it, 10 kids were surrounding this turtle at a nervously safe distance. A camera with *zoom* got some great photos.

The mysterious reptile reveals herself at last!
We thought about catching it, but decided to just let her go back to the pond.
"It'll keep Sophia out of the middle of the pond." Gid offered with a grin.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Latest Download...

I was writing in my journal last night about what my latest download from the Lord had been, and I decided to share it with you.
Obeying God proves your faith in Him and your love for Him. It is the key to you knowing God. (1st John 2:3) It is doing God's will, and therefore it unlocks all the blessings God has promised in His Word!

What do you do when you feel like you're always failing to obey? Fight the good fight! Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God! Philippians 4:13 -- "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

ALL THINGS! Christ will strengthen us to obey.

Your Sister in Christ,